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C-Cubed: Co-Creative Intimate Relationship Factors Required For Business Success

The (intimate) relationship elements necessary for an entrepreneur to build a successful business

To create something significant like a business (where over 90% eventually fail) requires founders and leaders to have sustained clear and focused energy. In my experience, the quality of one’s primary partnership is a major factor that either supports the growth of the business or contributes to its downfall.

I’ve found that there are three factors, which I call C3 (C-Cubed) required for a successful co-creative partnership. I call it C-Cubed because I see these elements as not just linear factors, rather as re-enforcing and exponential in their impact on an entrepreneur and his/her business. They’re illustrated in this diagram and then described in more detail below:

For the purposes of this article the word “relationships” refers to intimate or life partnerships, versus business partners or work partners. However, the model and its principles still generally work for all relationships in which there is a co-creative purpose.

These C-Cubed co-creative relationship factors came to light in my evaluation of why some of my relationships did not “work” well while other ones did - at least for a time, and the impact they had on my creative output. I’ve met potential intimate partners where there were two of the three elements, but very rarely all three. And my conclusion from my own experience as well as those of friends was that these factors were so critical toward the creation of a business that for the business to succeed, it was better for me to not be in a relationship than to have anything less than all three of these elements present. I share these for your consideration as a relationship can be one of the most challenging and most important choices of one’s life.

1. Communication: The partner is a muse not a mule ( aka “ass”) where their interest and communication about your business is positive and compassionate. Discussions you have naturally build on each others’ ideas, regardless of the subject. A sign that one has hit the mark is that it’s not unusual for you go into a flow-state together losing track of time and space. If there is a tendency to interrupt and take conversations on tangents, key ideas do not get fully expressed and built upon. In this context, communication is not in flow and hence not energizing it’s an energy suck that can take away from the energy you have from your business.

2. Connection: You share a powerful heart and energetic connection from which creativity naturally flows. You naturally want the best for each other and have each other’s back. You know you’re in the sweet spot here if, after the honeymoon period, there is still a feeling of expansion, enrichment, passion and arousal that feeds your creative motivation.

3. Consistency: Importantly, there is low drama because problems are worked through consciously, and hurtful attacks do not occur. In this positive environment, there is an organic commitment that builds and allows problems to be transcended. Even if the other two factors are fully present, if the relationship is not emotionally stable, the energy that is built together will get drained out from the drama.

All three of these factors build upon each other creating a virtuous cycle of energetic creativity that will help drive you and the business. If they are not there, I suggest you sit down with your partner and ask him or her to work on these factors with you, or strongly consider moving on, or if single, holding out for someone who can be the supportive partner you, your business and all your business’s stakeholders need.

About Rob Pilz

A culture-oriented, CFO and advisor, I provide expert and experienced services tailored to help purpose-driven companies grow and prosper. Through my company Peak Humans in Business, I bring uniquely effective methodologies to maximize the value of growth initiatives, IPOs and M&A’s. You can find out more about me at my personal website here, and at Peak Humans in Business.

Key words:

change management, business transformation, business success factors, relationships, partnerships,


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